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MAIN Online user guide


User & Login information.

To login into the main online you can visit the following url:

Your username is your firstinitial.Lastname, for e.g.  J.Pratt

The default password is Landstar1 Please change the password as soon as you login.

Forgot Password? -  In the event that you have forgotten your password, or the default password does not work, you can reset your password using the “Forgot Password?” link on the login page.  Enter your username and the system will send and email to your email on file.  This email contains a verification link which you can click to complete the verification and change your password.  If there is no email on file, the message will say so and you should contact the administrator at:

Edit User Info - You can update your profile information once logged in by clicking the Person icon beside the LOGOUT button. A popup menu appears, and you can click on Edit User info to update your information.

Change Password - The change password link can be found in the same menu and  you can change your password using this form at any time.



The dashboard shows quick statistics and numbers from the company and your individual numbers.  The available widgets are:

Total Loads Booked – This is a count of the total loads booked today across the company.  To view the loads booked today by division click on the “By Division…” link.

Total Revenue – This is the total revenue booked across the company in dollar figures for today.

My Bookings – This is the count of the total loads booked today by the logged in user/dispatcher.  This are your loads that you have booked today.

My Revenue – This is the $ value of the loads that you have booked today.

Loads Booked Daily - This is a visual representation of the loads booked company wide for the current work week; represented in a line chart format.

Daily Revenue - This is the daily revenue for the current work week, across the company displayed in a bar chart format.  The legends show the actual figures for each day aggregated in 1000’s of dollars.

My Loads Booked Daily - This is a line chart graph showing your loads booked each day for the current work week.

Booking Templates - This widget allows you to manage your created booking templates as well as company wide templates.  The green “Fill Template” Icon takes you to a new booking form that is pre-filled with the values from the template.  The purple edit Icon takes you to a prefilled form as well, and you can change values and “Save Template As” – giving it either a new name or overwriting the current template.  The red X delete Icon removes the template once you’ve confirmed the delete action.

Top Ten Dispatchers This Month – This is a table highlighting the top ten dispatchers for the current month by total revenue booked. To view the full list, click on the “View All…” link and it will take you to another page with the full list.

Another feature on the dashboard is hovering over any dispatcher/user’s name, whether on a widget or a table will bring up information about that dispatcher such as email, phone, cell, extension and assigned agency. We will continue to improve the dashboard and soon, you would be able to have your own personalized dashboard with the widgets you choose and are useful to you.






Load Booking/Edits

This section is the main section for booking loads by types.  Each menu is a different form with the relevant fields needed.  The main “Booking” menu is the default form for booking a Landstar load whether it be a BCO or Outside capacity.


Booking Form

The booking form presents all the fields you need to enter a booking.  Please take note of the fields marked with an asterisk * as these are required fields and the form won’t save without validated values for the field.

Special fields/features:

Parent Company - This displays the type of booking you are doing “Landstar” if it’s a Landstar BCO or “Landstar Brokerage” if it’s an outside capacity carrier.  To toggle between these 2 types, you can click the green “Outside Capacity” button and it will change the type and relevant fields in the form.

Load Number – This is one of the main fields and has special validation.  This is also referred to as the FB Number or Freight Bill Number.  Entering a number here triggers a validation check in the database for an existing FB Number.  The validation checks that there is not a duplicate number within the past year (FB Numbers can be re-used after a year by Landstar).  If it passes the validation, the field is highlighted green.  If the validation fails, the field is highlighted red and a message appears telling you “Load Number already exists”, meaning that this load’s information already exists in the database.

Customer Number - This is another field with special validation.  In this case the validation checks if the customer number exists in the database.  If it does exist, it passes the validation and auto-populates the next field which is the Company Name. If it fails it will tell you that the customer # does not exist.

Dispatcher & Sales Person – These are dropdown fields which display the dispatchers in your agency.  For e.g. if I’m assigned to the FWF Agency, I will only see dispatchers that are also assigned to FWF. These field will default to the user who is logged in.  If this is a split load, you can change either field by selecting another dispatcher.  When you do that a Slider appears for managing the split.  By default, the split is set to 50/50; this slider now allows you to change that split to whatever ratio you choose. Once the form is saved, it will send an email to both dispatchers to confirm the split ratio and once confirmed the split is locked and cannot be changed.

SAVE – the save button performs the validation check on the Booking form and then saves the load information once the validation passes.

SAVE & DUPLICATE – unlike the default actions that the SAVE button performs the Save & Duplicate button as the name implies, Saves the current form and brings you to a new form auto-populated with the information of the previous form.  The idea of this feature is that if you have several similar loads to book, you can quickly do so by saving and duplicating the form values.  This in cases where you do not want to use a Booking Template.


SAVE AS TEMPLATE - The save as template button will take all the values from the current form and save it in a template which can later be used to auto-populate booking forms.  You should provide a Template Name and you can check the “Is Company Template?” checkbox to specify whether this template should be available for everyone in the company.  If this is not checked, the template will be private to your account only.  Once you have saved the template, you are then able to continue editing and clicking the “Overwrite Saved Template?” checkbox to save the template with the same name.  If that checkbox is not selected an entirely new template is created.  Templates can be auto-populated, edited and deleted from the Dashboard widget.


Load Editing

You can edit an existing load by doing a load search by Load Number using the search on the dashboard or by going to the Load Editing sub-menu.  You can view open or closed loads for the current month or you can do a single load inquiry.

Single Load Inquiry – Similar to the load search, you can enter a load number which then takes you to the edit form for that Load.  The Load number field has validation to check that you’ve entered a valid Load Number and if it doesn’t exist, it will display a message as such.




MAIN-Online-user-guide.pdf MAIN-Online-user-guide.pdf

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Category: Main Online
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