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Main Updates April 2020


Most of the updates are fixes to existing modules such as Customers, Booking forms etc.  There are a lot of small fixes and some cosmetic changes especially on the dashboard. 


Customer List -  You can now add notes by clicking the notes icon beside the contact on the customer list.  This brings up a list of contact logs and you can easily add a note there.

Prospects can now have customer numbers when added directly.



The major "module" that was added was the "Upcoming Open Load" widget that helps you update the Load's status easier.  Below is a little guide on how to use that module:

The "My Upcoming Open Loads" module shows loads that are not closed in the last 2 weeks.

Pickup ETA start time and end times can be set when editing the load. ETA time is only set for pickup. If the current time is greater than pickup ETA start time, but less than the added 1 hour, displays in blue

If the current time is after the added hour and before the pickup ETA end time, then it will be orange.

If the current time surpasses the pickup ETA end time, it will be red.

If delivery date, show red. 

If delivery date is past and not marked as delivered, show maroon. 

Future pickup and delivery date are set to yellow.

You can use the dropdown status box to change the load's status and update the load's status.  As you update the loads fall to the bottom based on the status.


We are aware there might be a couple bugs with this update; and we'll be fixing as we go along.  If there is a major blocking issues, please submit a ticket via the helpdesk and we'll get to it ASAP.

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Related articles Main Updates - January 2020
MAIN Online user guide
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Article ID: 19
Category: Main Online
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