TO: Landstar Carrier Group Agents and BCOs
FROM: Heavy Specialized
SUBJ: Frost Laws
DATE: February 5, 2019 ______________________________________________________________________________
It’s that time of year again when several Northern states enact frost laws to protect their roadways during the spring thaw.
The states of Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and the Canadian Provinces have frost law restrictions during the spring. These laws greatly reduce the weight allowances for permitted shipments that exceed the designated legal weight limit for a particular state or province. In some cases, it can take 9 or 10 axles to move a commodity that would normally be moved on 6 axles. These frost laws normally begin in March and could remain in effect until June. So be careful to not put yourself in a position with a load of freight that cannot be delivered due to frost laws.
It is the Agent’s responsibility to make sure overweight shipments will be able to travel in these states and Canada before dispatching the load.
There are currently not any proposed start dates, but if the weather turns warm they could start at any time. They typically take effect in early March, however they have come in effect earlier during the warmer winters. Please check the links below for more information regarding updates or changes.
Please click on the state links below for more information, or contact the Heavy Specialized Department.
British Columbia
New Brunswick
North Dakota
Newfoundland and Labrador
South Dakota
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island
Yukon Territory
Attachments: 2019-Frost-Law-Memo-002.pdf
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